Alumni News

All stories that have been tagged with Alumni Portraits

How a marine biologist became a wine producer

Alumni Portraits

30 years of the ETH Big Band: an interview with the founder and band leader Christoph Eck

Alumni Portraits

"The more dangerous the situation, the calmer I am”

Alumni Portraits

“By boosting your sense of self and taking care of how you relate to yourself, you won’t burn out as quickly”

Alumni Portraits

“I love it when your heart, head and hands interact”

Alumni Portraits

“Researching the building blocks of life”

Alumni Portraits

The architect, who is lovingly known as “Saffron Nina” in Zurich

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Architecture Alumni

Felix Etterlin: "It's exciting being a rookie again”

Alumni Portraits

Nicole Aegerter: Material scientist turned entrepreneur

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Materials Alumni

“Protecting the climate at the expense of biodiversity is counter-productive”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Bio Alumni

"We've always been passionate about sustainability issues"

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AMIV Alumni

“I am living the dream of every scientist at Planted”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Agri-Food Alumni

“Even people who have never had anything to do with augmented reality before should be able to use it.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Entrepreneur Alumni

Volker Bartenbach: “Have the courage to sometimes take a risk with your career”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • HST Alumni

Tino Matter: “Revolutionizing chronic wound care”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • HST Alumni

Leonard Clemens: “We create jobs and help to develop new products.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • ETH seniors Alumni
  • Chapter Munich Alumni

“Keep an open mind to anything new”

Alumni Portraits

“The hierarchies at EPAM are very flat; we have fast decision-making processes and therefore more freedom. This suits me very well.”

Alumni Portraits

“We want to promote and connect young immunologists.”

  • Bio Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Séverine Cranz: "My wish is that it will not matter to Swiss companies whether to hire a young woman or man."

Alumni Portraits

Open, international, feminine – the story of Sarah Springman and ETH Zurich

Alumni Portraits

Stefanie Zbinden: “Thanks to the EGOI, some of the countries have now launched a national programme for promoting the advancement of women in informatics.”

  • Math • Phys Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Anja Ulrich: “If you are brave and are something of a pioneer, it can be an incredible journey.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Quantum Engineering Alumni

Micha Germann: “I research the causes and consequences of political violence, in particular that of civil wars and terrorism, as well as democratic innovations.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • CSS Alumni

Elena Roos: “Now, I would tell me myself not to stress so much.”

  • HST Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Mathias Wellig: "We still have the same close relationship we had when studying together at ETH."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • IAETH Alumni

Nina Bonassi: “My work at Atlas of Switzerland covers many different aspects, which makes it very exciting.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Geomatics Alumni

"ETH helped me develop a complete understanding of agriculture, food and my scientific incorruptibility."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Agri-Food Alumni

Markus Blocher: "For innovation and creativity to thrive, people with experience and knowledge need to come together in person and work with one another."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • VECS Chemistry Alumni

David Mzee: "As a youngster, I never thought I’d go to ETH."

  • HST Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Thomas Hug: "To me, curiosity, not being scared of new things and perseverance are important in life."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • REIS Alumni

Ferdinand Metzler: "Collaboration is important if lots of clever people want to use technology to drive forward a product that works."

  • AMIV Alumni
  • ETH seniors Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

"Our goal is to serve ETH alumni in Shenzhen and promote the presence of ETH in this area."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Chapter Shenzhen Alumni

Zahra Ariyafar: "Careers are not linear; you have to find your own path."

  • MAS MTEC Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Jan Freihardt: "What role does science have to play in managing the tasks of the future?"

  • Alumni Portraits
  • STP Alumni

Johannes Tiefenthaler: "We are hoping to shape the future of concrete and to make the material climate-neutral."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Process Alumni

Anna Saur: “Enjoy your course and get lots of practical experience while you’re still at university!”

  • MAS MTEC Alumni
  • EAEM Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Vera Luginbühl: "I'm inspired by interdisciplinary dialogue."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • VEPS Pharmacy Alumni

“As a researcher at ETH, it is fantastic to have academic freedom and work on things that have never been done before.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Materials Alumni

"We set up the Human Medicine Alumni so we would to continue to have a shared platform."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Human medicine Alumni

Martin Brüllhardt: "The forest laboratory is the ideal place to discover multifunctional cultural forests."

  • Environment Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Beat Gerber: "I envy students the sheer diversity of courses now available at ETH."

Alumni Portraits

Regula Scheele: "For me, the chapter was a fantastic way of making new contacts and networking."

  • Chapter Baden Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Serge Droz: "Is it legitimate to launch a digital counter-attack to an attack by hackers?"

  • Math • Phys Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Anna Bischofberger: "I’m not just a PhD student but am considered part of this working environment on the basis of all my attributes."

Alumni Portraits

Edith Schmid: "A lot of people couldn’t understand why I decided to study philosophy at ETH."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Entrepreneur Alumni

Hans Wanner: "Cultural differences mean that you analyse problems differently."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • VECS Chemistry Alumni

Daniel Eckenstein: "Be bold, tread your own path and aim to do something big."

Alumni Portraits

Werner Huber: “After I graduated, I realised that I had a huge number of opportunities available to me.”

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Architecture Alumni

Fajer Mushtaq: "Every day in the start-up world is an adventure."

Alumni Portraits

Gabrielle Lods: “Ask yourself what is important for you and how you can work sustainably.”

Alumni Portraits

Johanna Vorwerk: "It's amazing how many companies are already familiar with the name MEST."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • MEST Alumni

Thomas Wüst: “ETH prepares its students perfectly for the future and that pays off in the long term.”

Alumni Portraits

Sabrina Badir: "Use your dissertation as a basis for your business ideas."

Alumni Portraits

Heinz Mäder: "For me personally, the whole ETH Alumni network is a huge benefit and generally very helpful."

  • Chapter Zurich Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Danylo Malyuta: "Study hard, have faith in yourself, and trust me that success will come."

Alumni Portraits

Rupert Muldoon: "Architecture is a profession based upon good personal relationships and interrelated disciplines."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Architecture Alumni

Pjeter Berisha: «This support means I'm no longer a burden on my parents»

Alumni Portraits

Tulipan Zollinger: "The basic requirements for a family-owned business are long-term planning, cohesion and flexibility."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • MAS MTEC Alumni

Carlo Centonze: «The covid-19 crisis is both a massive opportunity and a huge threat for our company.»

  • Environment Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Joeri Verasdonck: “There are lots of career options, but what’s best for you?”

Alumni Portraits

Philipp Bertschi: "The MTEC greatly increased my knowledge of business management."

Alumni Portraits

Jürg Staudenmann: "During the uprising, we tried to educate people about environmental issues."

  • Environment Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Andreas Dudas: "I see humans as the main factor for success."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AIV Alumni

Konstantinos Boulouchos: "The topic of e-fuels is relevant to everyone interested in the future of our energy systems and stopping climate change."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AMIV Alumni

Lisa Poulikakos: "My research leverages the nanoscale science of light to develop improved, accessible diagnostic techniques for patients and doctors in need."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AMIV Alumni

Roland Sigrist: "When you work as a volunteer, you get to experience fascinating stories about people for yourself."

Alumni Portraits

Sarah-Maria Fendt: "It is important to be in an environment from which you can still learn something."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Bio Alumni

Andreas Elmer: “The studies prepared me well for coordinative and diversified tasks.”

Alumni Portraits

Ulrich Geissler: "New opportunities may come up when people share their network"

Alumni Portraits

Roland Brüniger: «This surprise really surpassed all my expectations.»

Alumni Portraits

Severin Hacker: "You must have the courage not to be perfect in your expression."

Alumni Portraits

Ralf Sasse: "5G has improvements concerning authentication and integrity of actual data."

Alumni Portraits

Marian George: "It was one of the happiest days of my life when I was accepted to pursue my PhD at ETH"

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Chapter Pacific Northwest Alumni

Patty Seifert: «ETH helped me get into Berkeley to get my Ph.D.»

Alumni Portraits

Cheyenne Rechsteiner: “We hope to make an important contribution to the combat of multi-resistant bacteria”

Alumni Portraits

Ben Jann: «The ETH PhD elicits positive reactions»

Alumni Portraits

Andreas Moschin: «Security is increasingly a question of new technologies.»

Alumni Portraits

Patricia Menéndez: "It is a prestigious honour to have been selected."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Chapter Sydney Alumni

Luca Schweri: "I would like to fascinate people with my work".

Alumni Portraits

Julian Heeb: «The Innovation Award is mainly a confirmation for our idea».

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AMIV Alumni

Dr. Jürg Werner: «Looking back, not a lot of what I had learned at ETH was useless.»

  • Chapter Zurich Alumni
  • Alumni Portraits

Piero Martinoli: «ETH accompanied me during my whole career».

  • Alumni Portraits
  • Chapter Ticino Alumni

Peter Perutz: «ETH is a pillar of my life.»

Alumni Portraits

Daniel Meyer: «From e-bike producer to mobility provider»

Alumni Portraits

Yves Brise: «Do whatever you have the greatest passion for! Only that way you will become happy and successful in the long-term.»

Alumni Portraits

Gustav Rais: «I still wear the ETH insignia with pride»

Alumni Portraits

Tamara Zajc: «Mathematics is art, fascination and passion.»

Alumni Portraits

Studio Barrus: "The human and his environment always stand in the centre of our work, we call it the big elephant in the room.”

Alumni Portraits

Sonja Angehrn: «It was more like a dream than a clear plan to study Mathmatics.»

Alumni Portraits

Heinz Lüscher: «Maintaining relationships is fundamental»

Alumni Portraits

Luzius Meisser: «Computer science penetrates the financial sector with block chain»

Alumni Portraits

Adrian Anderegg: «With the ETH, I got a good starting position to be a succesful corporate consultant»

Alumni Portraits

Adrian Anderegg: ETH gave me the munition to be a successful management consultant."

Alumni Portraits

Bernhard Wehrli: «We train people to have interdisciplinary perspectives.»

Alumni Portraits

Corinne Dascenzo - Projektleiterin und Entwicklerin bei Ergon Informatik AG: «Als Schülerin wusste ich lediglich, dass ich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften mochte und besuchte per Zufall einen Informatik-Schnupperkurs an der ETH.»

Alumni Portraits

Thabo Beeler: «The ETH is one of the best universities for visual computing worldwide.»

Alumni Portraits

Andrea Wehrli: «I wanted to help solve a societal problem.»

Alumni Portraits

Robert Weiss: «One can and never will be able to automate everything.»

Alumni Portraits

Bettina Heim: «What fascinates me about Quantum computing is the fact that I can advance into unknown territory.»

Alumni Portraits

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