Here we answer your questions on topics including membership, logging in and e-mail forwarding.

You will find the by-laws of the ETH Alumni Association Download here (PDF, 187 KB).
To register with the ETH Alumni Association, simply fill out this registration form. We will process your registration as soon as possible and get back to you by e-mail.
An alumnus or alumna is someone who has graduated from ETH Zurich with a formally recognised qualification. The following ETH Zurich degrees are recognised:
- a bachelor's degree (BSc or BA) or master's degree (MSc or MA, formerly called "Diplom");
- a doctorate or a postdoctoral qualification;
- a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) or Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA);
- a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) or Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS);
- a teaching diploma for middle schools or a teaching certificate (which includes the qualification for upper secondary schools and the teaching certificate);
- a post graduate course (NADEL); and
- a federal diploma (in pharmacy, gymnastics and sports teachers, career officers).
Eligibility to join the association shall continue for life, even if the programme or qualification earned has changed or is no longer offered.
All former or current members of the academic faculty and post-docs are also considered ETH Zurich alumni provided that they are currently active at ETH or were so for at least four semesters.
In cases of doubt, the executive board of the ETH Alumni Association shall decide on the ETH Zurich alumni status of any individual in consultation with the ETH Zurich administration,
Terminating membership
Members may leave the ETH Alumni Association at any time at the end of the calendar year. Written correspondence indicating a member’s intention to leave the association must be received by the office by the end of September. The full membership fee must be paid for any incomplete year of membership (see Download Statutes Art. 9 (PDF, 345 KB))
E-mail address:
Postal address:
ETH Alumni Vereinigung
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
As a graduate of ETH, you can reactivate your membership at any time.
Want to learn more about the benefits of membership? In a nutshell:
- Access to a fantastic global network of more than 35,000 alumni and alumnae
- Top-quality specialist events and networking opportunities
- Various discounts such as lower insurance premiums and favourably-priced hardware
- Help with planning your career: jobs platform and coaching service.
- An e-mail address you can use for the rest of your life (with option of forwarding to another e-mail address)
- Membership is free up to the age of 27
- CHF 70 a year thereafter
Read more here
If you have forgotten your login details for MyAlumni, you can simply use the forgotten password function. If you no longer know which e-mail address you used to register with us, simply send us an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have you moved? Do you have a new address and would you like to change it? There are two possibilities:
Change it yourself in MyAlumni
You can easily change your address in MyAlumni yourself. Log in and click on "member account" and "address".
Write us an e-mail
Write us an e-mail with your new address on , we will change your address for you.
ETH Alumni are entitled to terminate their membership with the ETH Alumni Association. or via letter to
ETH Alumni Association
Administrative Office
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
and needs to arrive at the end of September at the administrative office. The whole amount for the membership is due for years begun.
As an ETH graduate, you can activate your membership any time.
Did you graduate from a course that doesn't yet have its own alumni group? Have you moved to a town or country where ETH alumni and alumnae haven’t yet come together as a group? Then set one up yourself! The ETH alumni community belongs to all of you and we attach great importance to receiving input from you to enable us to develop.
Send an e-mail to with any questions, ideas or feedback you may have.
Looking for someone else in our team? You will find all our contacts here.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Many companies explicitly hunt out ETH graduates. Subscribe to our Jobs e-mail.
Do you need some careers coaching? Our coaching service is available here.
You will find an overview here.
Munich? New York? Singapore? No matter where you are based, there are bound to be other ETH alumni and alumnae. Get in touch with the local alumni community. Here you will find all Chapters outside Switzerland.