Alumni News

All stories that have been tagged with AIV Alumni

AIV Alumni fondue evening at the “Dozentenfoyer”

AIV Alumni

AIV Alumni invited to the alumni reception

AIV Alumni

Women in focus - The GDK "did it her way”

AIV Alumni

Civil Engineering FORUM 2020

AIV Alumni

Andreas Dudas: "I see humans as the main factor for success."

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AIV Alumni

Fondue chat of AIV Alumni at Dozentenfoyer

AIV Alumni

Visit of NEST at EMPA Dübendorf

  • 150 Years
  • AIV Alumni

Festive colloquium in honor of Prof. Dr. Mario Fontana

AIV Alumni

Contact meeting Hönggerberg 2019

AIV Alumni

The students of the AIV celebrate the beginning of spring

AIV Alumni

Civil Engineer FORUM 2019

AIV Alumni

AIV Alumni invited to the alumni apero

AIV Alumni

50 years Loch Ness

AIV Alumni

Civil engineer FORUM 2018

AIV Alumni

Kontakttreffen Hönggerberg 2018

AIV Alumni

AIV Alumni held annual apéro

AIV Alumni

Fondue dinner event

AIV Alumni

Weinreise in die Bündner Herrschaft

AIV Alumni

BauingenieurinnenFORUM 2017

AIV Alumni

Andrea Wyler: „Interessante Projekte und Aufgaben sind das eine, ein gutes Arbeitsklima und Team sind aber ebenso wichtig für einen befriedigenden Berufsalltag“

  • Alumni Portraits
  • AIV Alumni

AIV Alumni lud zum Ehemaligenapéro

AIV Alumni

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