News from past events
Chilli Baron and curry dinner for AMIV and human medicine alumni
"What is the hottest chilli you have here?" was one of the first questions we asked Felix Decurtins, the "Chilli Baron", when we AMIV and human medicine alumni visited him at his production nursery in Horgen.
Data, machines, AI: a curse or a blessing for medicine? - Another successful specialist event organized by HST and Human Medicine Alumni
On October 13, the two alumni associations HST and Human Medicine held a joint specialist event for the second time. The event on the topic of artificial intelligence and its application in medicine was discussed from various research, clinical and ethical perspectives.
Panel discussion "Violence during childbirth"
The promotion of clinical research is as close to the heart of the Medizin@ETH project team as promoting the diverse medical activities regarding teaching, research and technology transfer through targeted public relations. In mid-November, plenty of Human Medicine alumnae and alumni participated in the panel discussion.
Women in Elite Sport - First joint specialist event of HST and Human Medicine Alumni
On 28 October, the specialist event entered the next round. For the first time, the two alumni affiliate organisations Human Medicine and HST jointly organised this year's event on the topic of "Women in elite sport".
Sledging and dinner in the Prealps of St. Gallen
In order to enjoy the winter once again before the start of the semester, the recently founded Human Medicine Alumni invited everyone to their second event in person.