An even more refreshing online regulars’ table of AMIV Alumni
AMIV Alumni

On 4 February 2021, AMIV Alumni met again for an unconventional regulars’ table online. This time, we spotted a new interactive platform that all participants appreciated and moreover, the platform enabled a spontaneous exchange almost like in real life.
Afterworkbeer: «Hot Chocolate»-Edition
VESUV Alumni

Around 15 VESUV-members met Mid-February for a nostalgic hot chocolate or just a well-deserved beer after work. They also rediscovered the game «win, lose or draw».
Using breathing techniques to ground yourself

Studies show that calm and deep breathing can synchronise your breathing and heart rate. This synchronisation results in a higher heart rate variability and therefore impacts positively on health, mood and how the body responds to stress.
Regula Scheele: "For me, the chapter was a fantastic way of making new contacts and networking."
- Chapter Baden Alumni
- Alumni Portraits

ETH alumna Regula Scheele graduated in agricultural sciences. Even as a child, she was interested in the French language and agriculture. She has combined her two passions and after a lengthy stay in Welschland, today she and her brother manage a family-run business selling all conceivable wine cellar equipment and supplies. She has been a member of the board of the local Baden alumni group since 2018.
Pension provision? Very easy now
Alumni Empowering

Pension provision concerns us all: It may be far away for some, but the moment to retire will eventually come for everybody. On 10 February, Olga Miler, marketing and innovation expert, specialised in women and finances, gives an overview of how pension provision is regulated for employed people in Switzerland. She helps the participants of the fully booked online seminar with tips and a lot of expert knowledge on how everybody can tackle the topic actively
Get your day off to an active start

Adequate exercise and physical activity play an essential role in our health and mental well-being. Scientific studies show that adequate physical activity strengthens the immune system and thereby protects us from infection and illness. Daily exercise also boosts our mood and ensures a healthy mental state of mind.