Julian Heeb: «The Innovation Award is mainly a confirmation for our idea».
- Alumni Portraits
- AMIV Alumni
ETH Alumnus Julian Heeb graduated 2006 from a master in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. With ginto, he and some friends developed an app for accessibility for people with a disability that rates restaurants, bars and shops. This app recently won a digital and an innovation award. In an interview, Julian tells us about his experiences at ETH as well as how he got the idea for this app.
AMIV Alumni visits Sensirion
AMIV Alumni
A group of 40 AMIV Alumni was able to visit the company Sensirion on May 23, 2019 in Stäfa. After a welcoming and an introductive presentation of the company, the participants learned more about the development of products and operations. The visit ended with an interesting tour of the company and a subsequent aperitif.
Dr. Jürg Werner: «Looking back, not a lot of what I had learned at ETH was useless.»
- Chapter Zurich Alumni
- Alumni Portraits
Jürg Werner is CEO of Metall Zug AG since 2012. Between 1976 and 1981, he studied Electrical Engineering at ETH in Zurich. Thereafter, he worked as a research assistant there and in 1987, he gained his PhD. He spoke with ETH Alumni about the importance of a solid basic education and an interlocking of the university and industry.
Logistics at the airport of Zurich
Chapter Zurich Alumni
40 Members of the Alumni Chapter Zurich met for a guided tour at the airport Zurich-Kloten on April 24, 2019. The focus lied on the topic of logistics and processes at the airport. We learned more about the giant operation behind the process starting at the “check-in” until the reunion with the baggage and the exit through the customs clearance. It was remarkable how much manual labour is necessary despite barcodes and automatic processes!
Contact meeting Hönggerberg 2019
AIV Alumni
On Thursday, April 11, 2019, the 27th edition of the Contact Meeting Hönggerberg (KTH) took place on the Piazza of the Campus Hönggerberg. As in previous years, the job fair for civil engineers was a great success.
Piero Martinoli: «ETH accompanied me during my whole career».
- Alumni Portraits
- Chapter Ticino Alumni
Piero Martinoli studied and did a PhD in physics at ETH Zurich. Nearly during his whole career, he worked at the University of Neuchâtel. After retiring, he changed to the Università della Svizzera italiana and helped to advance it significantly. 2016, his work was mentioned in the laudatio of the Nobel Prize laureates twice, and since November 2018, he is an honorary member of the ETH Alumni Association. He tells us in this interview, how ETH kept recurring his whole life.