Empfang bei der Schweizer Botschaft in Wien
Chapter Vienna Alumni

Am 15. Mai 2018 wurden die Mitglieder des Alumni Chapter Wien zusammen mit dem Cercle Académique Suisse (CAS) von Walter Haffner, Schweizer Botschafter in Wien, zu einem Besuch in der Schweizer Botschaft in Wien eingeladen. Walter Haffner begrüsste zusammen mit seiner Frau die Gäste und lud zu einem gemütlichen Abend.
Bettina Heim: «What fascinates me about Quantum computing is the fact that I can advance into unknown territory.»
Alumni Portraits

Since spring 2017, Bettina Heim has been working as a software developer for Microsoft in Zürich. There she is jointly responsible for the research and development of the so-called Q# compiler, which is a computer program for Quantum computing.
Claudio Sedivy: «I was able to conduct my first trials in the protected ETH environment.»
Alumni Portraits

Following his dissertation on the topic of «evolution of the bloom preferences of wild bees» at the ETH Zürich, Claudio Sedivy founded the company Wildbiene + Partner together with a fellow student. His is highly engaged in the promotion of wild bees.
Assembly of delegates May 2018: Gaining momentum
Alumni DV

On Monday 7 May 2018, the spring assembly of delegates of the ETH Alumni Association took place at the Leonhardstrasse in the ETH Zentrum. Approximately 54 delegates and guests followed the invitation by President Walter Gränicher.
Materials Alumni visit SuSoS AG
Materials Alumni

A group of five Materials Alumni had the chance to visit SuSoS AG in Dübendorf, an ETH Spin-off company specializing in surface technology, on Thursday May 17, 2018. They were shown around by the Business Development Manager Dr. Christian Mathis, a fellow alumnus from the Department of Materials.
How to transform injections into pills: an exciting adventure…in progress
Chapter Ticino Alumni

The annual general assembly of the Ortsgruppe Ticino took place on Friday, April 14, 2018, at the Hotel Internazionale in Bellinzona and was attended by 32 participants. The official reunion was followed by a presentation by Dr. Irene Pereira de Sousa, researcher at the Institute of Drug Formulation and Delivery at the ETH Zürich.