Alumni News
All stories that have been tagged with Materials Alumni
Nicole Aegerter: Material scientist turned entrepreneur
- Alumni Portraits
- Materials Alumni
![Nicole Aegerter](/en/news/alumni-news/2023/01/nicole-aegerter/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.1582402850.jpg)
Material scientist Nicole Aegerter is co-founder of the ETH spin-off Antefil, which produces glass fibre-reinforced plastics for industrial lightweight structures. Nicole talks to us about what motivates her to be part of the circular economy.
“As a researcher at ETH, it is fantastic to have academic freedom and work on things that have never been done before.”
- Alumni Portraits
- Materials Alumni
Samuel Halim and Norman Lüchinger are co-founders of Avantama, which is a leader in high-tech materials for electronics. Both of them started off by studying Material Sciences and gained their PhDs in Chemical Engineering. In this interview, Samuel and Norman talk about their experiences of the PhD course at ETH and what their current business is about.
Guided tour at Fluidsolids AG
Materials Alumni
Sustainability of products and the utilisation of all by-products state major issues in industry. During a guided tour at FluidSolids AG, a group of Materials Alumni was able to experience first hand how the mentioned issue is implemented into practice.
InSight – Materials Alumni talk
- Materials Alumni
- 150 Years
For ten years, the Materials Alumni have been organizing a career event twice a year together with the Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP) or its predecessor organization Materials Research Center. Thereby, four material scientists always tell about their career.
Under ground at ETH Hönggerberg
Materials Alumni
Everybody has heard the rumours about secret passages below the ETH Hönggerberg Campus. 25 Materials Alumni and SAM members were able to look at the usually inaccessible corridors on 17th January 2019
Adventure Room
Materials Alumni
On October 30, 2018 eleven members of the Materials Alumni put their problem-solving-skills and logical thinking to the test during tasks they had to solve in an adventure room.
Materials Alumni visit SuSoS AG
Materials Alumni
A group of five Materials Alumni had the chance to visit SuSoS AG in Dübendorf, an ETH Spin-off company specializing in surface technology, on Thursday May 17, 2018. They were shown around by the Business Development Manager Dr. Christian Mathis, a fellow alumnus from the Department of Materials.
Materials Alumni annual general meeting 2018
Materials Alumni
On 26 April 2018, the annual general meeting of the Materials Alumni took place at the main building at ETH Zürich where the board presented the prior year’s developments of the Materials affiliate organization.
On the traces of the Nasca – A guided tour at the museum Rietberg
Materials Alumni
On the evening of 21 march, a bunch of Materials Alumni met at the museum Rietberg in order to take a fascinating trip to the Nasca in Peru.
Materials Alumni im Pralinenatelier
Materials Alumni
Am Freitag, 13. Oktober 2017, trafen sich zwölf Materials Alumni in Zürich Wollishofen, um die anstrengende Arbeitswoche süss ausklingen zu lassen – die MiniSchoggi GmbH lud zum Pralinenatelier. Konditor Christian führte die Teilnehmer sehr charmant durch den Abend.
Hinter den Kulissen des Zürcher Hauptbahnhofs
Materials Alumni
![HB Dach](/en/news/alumni-news/2017/09/hinter-den-kulissen-des-zuercher-hauptbahnhofs/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.1051687531.jpg)
Am 6. September 2017 erhielten die Mitglieder der Materials Alumni die Gelegenheit, an einer technischen Führung durch den Hauptbahnhof Zürich teilzunehmen. Rund 20 Alumni folgten der Einladung und erhielten einen einmaligen Einblick in das unterirdische Leben des grössten Bahnhofs der Schweiz.
Materials Alumni besuchen die Glockengiesserei H. Rüetschi AG
Materials Alumni
![In der Glockengiesserei H. Rüetschi AG](/en/news/alumni-news/2017/05/materials-alumni-besuchen-die-glockengiesserei-h-rueetschi-ag/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.2067780592.jpg)
Am 4. Mai machten sich die Materials Alumni auf, die Glockengiesserei H. Rüetschi AG in Aarau zu besuchen. Obwohl die Führung bereits um 16 Uhr begann, kamen 16 Alumni. Kaum hatten sich die Teilnehmer eingefunden, wurden die Sicherheitsbrillen verteilt und es ging ab in die Giesserei. Die Alumni durften hautnah erleben, wie eine Glocke gegossen wird und erhielten spannende Informationen aus der 600-jähigen Geschichte der Giesserei.
Besuch bei der Firma Nägeli Swiss AG
Materials Alumni
![CEO Nicklaus Nägeli zeigt den Alumnis sein Unternehmen](/en/news/alumni-news/2017/04/besuch-bei-der-firma-naegeli-swiss-ag/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.892143417.jpg)
Am 9. März trafen sich die Materials Alumni am schönen Bodensee, um die Firma Nägeli Swiss AG zu besuchen. Die Firma ist traditionell in der Stanz- und Umformtechnik tätig, hat sich aber in den letzten 30 Jahren zusätzlich auf Faserverbundtechnologie spezialisiert. Niklaus Nägeli, CEO der Firma, erläuterte die Unternehmensphilosophie und führte höchstpersönlich durch den Betrieb.