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Chapter Sydney September 2023

02.10.2023 – ETH Alumni in Perth had a parallel event to the gathering that took place in Sydney on September 13. A small group of Alumni met for a social evening. This was the first time Alumni in Perth have connected and they now look forward to their next gathering.

Chapter Sydney June 2023

13.06.2023 - The ETH Alumni Chapter Sydney had its first presentation this year on DATE. Alumnus and Systems Engineer Erik Aslaksen gave a talk about information processing based on his recent book "The Evolution of Society (2023)". Erik talked about how society is organised based on the analogy of the atoms, whose free energy is reduced the more the molecules they build become structured. The talk was followed by an exciting discussion bout information processing, critical thinking to test the quality of the available information and the security of that information.

It was great to see some new and old faces! The Chapter is looking forward to the next presentation in September 2023.

ETHZ-Alumni meeting

10.5.2023 - The ETH Alumni group in Hong Kong and Macao gathered for an architectural tour on May 10 at the M+ Museum of visual culture in West Kowloon, Hong Kong. Led by curator Human Wu, Alumni could gain insight into the architecture of the M+ building and visit its public spaces. The group also had the chance to visit the rooftop gardens designed by Günther Vogt. Afterwards, Alumni enjoyed a drink at the museum’s Members Lounge and a Yayoi Kusama-inspired dinner. 

Patricia Menéndez: "Es ist eine unglaubliche Ehre, ausgewählt zu werden."

150 Jahre Jubiläumsfeier Sydney

Neuigkeiten aus Zürich in Australien

Alumni Chapter Sydney Grillparty

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