150 Jahre Jubiläumsfeier Sydney
- 150 Jahre
- Chapter Sydney Alumni
Am 18. Mai 2019 veranstalteten wir eine weitere grossartige Zusammenkunft einiger unserer Alumni in der Region Sydney. Es war wunderbar zu sehen, wie viele Mitglieder unserer langjährigen Gemeinschaft sich hier in Sydney wiedertrafen, um den Abend zu geniessen und das 150-jährige Jubiläum unserer Organisation zusammen mit PartnerInnen und Freunden zu feiern.

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In particular, it was again good to see younger and “older” generations mixed together and exchanging experiences and anecdotes.
Big thanks to the Swiss Consul General
A special thank you is due to the Swiss Consul General, Bernadette Hunkeler-Brown and her husband Nigel Brown, for hosting us at their cosy residence and offering us exquisite wines from Switzerland or made by Swiss Australians. We were also very pleased to have the services of Daniel Frutiger, our Swiss caterer, who is also the president of the Swiss club of New South Wales, together with his family, serving us delicious finger food.
We would also like to thank the Alumni Association for kindly sponsoring the catering for this event!
Inspiring video messages from Zurich
A special highlight were the two video messages from Zurich: One from the rector, Professor Sarah Springman, who made an inspiring pitch about the value of the global alumni network and the importance of us alumni acting as ambassadors for ETH and being leaders in the environment, in the political world and in society.
We were also very pleased that Walter Gränicher, president of the Alumni Association, addressed us personally in a video message and wished us a great celebration.
Positive Review and Outlook
We also took the opportunity to look back on the past twelve months and the events we had scheduled throughout the past year.
It was probably the last alumni event here in Sydney for current board member Roman Bader, who, after seven years abroad, decided to move back to Switzerland. Hopefully, he will stay connected with the local alumni group back home.
It was great to see many of our alumni joining us for this beautiful evening and we look forward to our next gatherings later this year!