Alumni Chapter Sydney Grillparty
Chapter Sydney Alumni
Am Samstag den 26. Mai 2018 trafen sich die Alumni Chapter Sydney seit langem wieder einmal! Dieser Anlass gilt als Startschuss für eine Reaktivierung des Alumni Chapter Sydney – so erhofft es sich die Gruppe zumindest – mit regelmässigen Treffen, Anlässen und Aktivitäten.

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A small but lively group of around 10 Alumni and friends met on a sunny and mild late-fall afternoon for an Australian-style BBQ in West Pennant Hills. Food and drinks were plentiful, just as were old stories from back in the days while studying at ETH Zürich. A beautiful aspect of this meeting was to see Alumni across all generations connect.
A re-start of the Alumni Chapter Sydney
The new board (Roman Bader (Chair), Florian Dieterle (Secretary), Enrico Beretta) of the chapter took the opportunity to introduce themselves, propose different types of events, and solicit feedback and additional ideas for the way forward. Ideas for future meetings include seminars, day trips, cultural events, and social gatherings.
This was a successful re-start of the chapter and the managing board encourages and welcomes additional participation in future events from the approximately 70 members of the Alumni Chapter Sydney.
Some more events will be announced soon.
Thanks to Enrico Beretta for hosting us in his garden.