News from past events
Stefanie Zbinden: “Thanks to the EGOI, some of the countries have now launched a national programme for promoting the advancement of women in informatics.”
- Math • Phys Alumni
- Alumni Portraits

This year, ETH alumna Stefanie Zbinden sat on the committee organising the launch of the first European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI). Stefanie gained both her Bachelor’s and Master's degrees in Mathematics at ETH. This September, she started her PhD at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. She talks to us about why informatics is still a subject area very much dominated by men and the tools which can be deployed to improve access for young women.
Serge Droz: "Is it legitimate to launch a digital counter-attack to an attack by hackers?"
- Math • Phys Alumni
- Alumni Portraits

ETH alumnus Serge Droz studied physics at ETH and obtained his doctorate in Canada, where he researched black holes. He has 20 years of experience in information security from time working in the private sector. He undertakes voluntary work in this sector and is the President of the "Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams". In this interview, he tells us how he found his vocation and what fascinates him so much about working in IT security.
Review [MindPhair] 2018
Math • Phys Alumni

On 2 March 2018, the job fair [MindPhair] took place for the first time in the prestigious main halls of the ETH Zürich for mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists.
The power market – changing technologies
Math • Phys Alumni

On 30 November 2017 the Math Phys Alumni met for their annual Math Phys lecture at the ETH Zürich main building. Based on their continual lecture series they invited a speaker from the private sector as well as someone from academia to speak on the changing technologies in the power market.
Machine Learning – Evolution oder Revolution?
Math • Phys Alumni

Unter dem Motto „Machine Learning – Evolution oder Revolution?“ luden die Math • Phys Alumni zur sechsten Math • Phys Lecture. Nachdem die letzten fünf Events in der ehrwürdigen Semperaula stattfanden, musste die sechste Veranstaltung an einem neuen Ort durchgeführt werden, da der Traditionsraum mit seinem Wandgemälde und den Stuckaturen zu stark unter Grossanlässen leiden würde. Die 120 Math • Phys Alumni trafen sich darum im Dozentenfoyer und genossen den wunderbaren Ausblick auf die Dächer von Zürich.
- 12. June: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2019.
- 30. May: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 28. March: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 22. March: postETH - Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Dozentenfoyer.
- 31. January: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 6. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen
- 29. November: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 27. September: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 26. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 20. June: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2018.
- 31. May: Stammtisch at Imagine.
- 5. April: Stammtisch-Spezial: Wine tasting.
- 22. March: postETH - Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Dozentenfoyer.
- 1. February: MindPhair 2018
- 25. January: Stammtisch at D-Vino.
- 6. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen
- 30. November: Math • Phys Lecture 2017 "Energiemarkt - Im Wandel der Technologien"
- 28. September: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 27. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 28. June: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2017.
- 25. May: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 30. March: A Glass After-Work Special: Wine tasting.
- 18. March: postETH - Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Dozentenfoyer.
- 31. January: Walk in @ CSEM - "Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology".
- 26. Januay: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 14. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen
- 24. November: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 3. November: Math • Phys Lecture 2016: "Machine Learning Evolution oder Revolution?"
- 29. September: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 28. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 22. June: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2016.
- 26. May: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 31. March: A Glass After-Work Special: Whisky tasting.
- 11. March: postETH - Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Dozentenfoyer.
- 28. January: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 9. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen.
- 26. November: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 18. November: Math • Phys Lecture 2015: "Bitcoin - flip oder flop?"
- 24. September: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 30. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Summerparty at Hotel Zürichberg.
- 28. May: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 22. April: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2015.
- 26. March: A Glass After-Work Special: Wine tasting.
- 13. March: postETH - Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Dozentenfoyer.
- 29. January: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 3. Dezember: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen.
- 27. November: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 25. September: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 18. September: Trip Sensirion.
- 30. October: Math • Phys Lecture 2014: "Quantum Cryptography - if secure is not secure enough".
- 7. August: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 2. April: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty 2014.
- 27. March: A Glass After-Work Special: Weindegustation.
- 14. March: Math • Phys @ MindPhair
- 4.March: Trip: EMPA - Nanostrukturierten Materialien.
- 30. January: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 4. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen.
- 28. November: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 3. October: Math • Phys Lecture 2013: "High Frequency Trading - One Field, Many Flavours."
- 26. September: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 25. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 30. May: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 29. May: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty.
- 21. March: Stammtisch-Spezial, Wine tasting.
- 31. January: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 5. November: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen.
- 13. November: Math • Phys Lecture 2012 zum Thema Atomenergie.
- 13. September: Trip to Swissgrid.
- 26. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 31. May: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 16. May: Wiedersehensapéro und Masterparty.
- 29. March: Stammtisch-Spezial, Weindegustation.
- 26. January: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 7. December: Alumni @ VMP-Fondue Essen.
- 24. November: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 27. October: LabTour @ D-PHYS.
- 29. September: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 27. September: Math • Phys Lecture 2011: Finanzkrise - Krise der Finanzmathematik.
- 28. July: Stammtisch-Spezial: Beer bewery "sBier".
- 16. May: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 23. May: 70 Jahre VMP. Fotos.
- 6. May: Wiedersehensapéro & Masterparty.
- 14. April: Besuch IBM Research Lab Rüschlikon.
- 31. March: Stammtisch-Spezial, Wine tasting.
- 27. January: Stammtisch im D-Vino.
- 8. December: VMP-Fondueessen.
- 2. November: Visit of Value Lab.
- 30. September: Stammtisch at D-Vino.
- 13. September: Europapark - Feel the Physics.
- 29. July: Stammtisch at D-Vino
- 12. May: Work hard, play hard - be academic... Master of Science ETH-Party of D-MATH & D-PHYS.