Webinar series on science communication and journalism

Earth Sciences Alumni

The department of Earth Science had the honor to receive two webinars from Ms. Stephanie Schnydrig, herself an ETH Earth Science Alumna. Ms. Schnydrig delivered two very informative lectures, one in German, the other in English, dedicated to science communication and science journalism.

Stephanie Schnydrig, ETH Earth Science Alumna, geophysicist and science journalist at the Swiss News Agency Keystone-SDA

Journalism versus communication

Geophysicist and science journalist at the Swiss News Agency Keystone-SDA, Ms. Schnydrig began the seminars highlighting the key difference between the careers of science journalism versus science communication and lead insightful discussions on reporting science in the era of ‘fake news’.
Ms. Schnydrig then outlined possible entry paths to each career. For this purpose, she gave valuable advice and summarised her own experience transitioning from science to communication and finally to journalism.

After a fruitful question-and-answer session, the webinar transitioned to a social aperitif where attendees could exchange ideas and discuss in small, virtual ‘breakout groups’.

Insightful webinars

Both events were well attended, and interesting discussions made the evening complete. We thank Ms. Schnydrig for the wonderful and insightful webinars and look forward to hearing more from her in the next seminar series, ‘self marketing for geologists’, taking place in July.  

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