Suzhou Spring Outing
Chapter Shanghai Alumni

From 17 to 18 April 2021, Chapter Shanghai Alumni organised a Spring Outing to Suzhou together with EPFL Alumni and SORSA. More than 30 alumni enjoyed the spring breeze while strengthening contacts and friendships.
Vera Luginbühl: "I'm inspired by interdisciplinary dialogue."
- Alumni Portraits
- VEPS Pharmacy Alumni

ETH alumna Vera Luginbühl studied at and graduated from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at ETH. She spent many years working as a professor at a university and has set up a laboratory and research group. She now works in the private sector where she is the medical lead in cell and gene therapy. She talks to us today about how she got into oncology.
Webinar "Current job market and recruiting trends"
Alumni Connect

On 13 April 2021, a webinar took place on the topic of “current job market and recruiting trends” at the poly-e-fair. 218 people attended. Kristin von Lüdinghausen, ETH Alumni Association career coach guided the participants through this very informative and valuable event with presentations from three experts.
Second virtual career event of the HST Alumni affiliate organisation
HST Alumni

Speakers from various HST-related working areas presented their career ladders and current jobs virtually at the 12th career event of the Health Sciences and Technology (HST) affiliate organisation. With over 200 students as well as HST alumnae and alumni attending, there was a huge interest in asking questions about internships, starting a career, day-to-day professional life, and advanced education.
What can e-fuels contribute to decarbonise mobility?
Alumni Focus

On 13 April, the Focus Event takes place and treats the contribution of e-fuels when decarbonising mobility. More than 20 participants listened intently to the explanations of Christian Bach, Head Power Engine Systems at Empa, and Philip Good, Chief Research Officer at Synhelion. Stephan Renz, Head “Combustion Based Energy Systems” at the Swiss Federal Office of Energy chairs the webinar.
Agri-Food Alumni Science Forum: pesticide-free wheat production in Switzerland from a scientific perspective
Agri-Food Alumni

For the first time, we held the Agri-Food Alumni Science Forum titled "The establishment of a large-scale program for pesticide-free wheat production in Switzerland". Alumnus Prof. Dr. Robert Finger (Group for Agricultural Economics and Policy at ETH Zurich) and alumnus Dr. Niklas Möhring were invited as guest speakers.