Alumni News
All stories that have been tagged with Chapter Norge Alumni
"I see Alumni Chapter Norge as a network for exchanging ideas"
Chapter Norge Alumni
Hans Troye has been president of the Chapter Norge since 2011. As he hands over to the new president Lise Heien Langaard, he looks back to the first Norwegian students at ETH, the development of the Chapter and highlights, for example, as students travelled to Oslo as part of their MAS MTEC studies last spring.
Greetings from Norway
Chapter Norge Alumni
Chapter Norge Alumni held its annual meeting on 15th of January, 2020. 49 members met up at the Frognerseteren restaurant with a view of Oslo City. However, no snow there this year!
Annual meeting 2018
Chapter Norge Alumni
As every year, the members of the Alumni Chapter Norge met for their annual meeting. Fitting with the wintery atmosphere, they enjoyed a cheese fondue with the respective accompanying beverages.