Greetings from Norway

Chapter Norge Alumni

Chapter Norge Alumni held its annual meeting on 15th of January, 2020. 49 members met up at the Frognerseteren restaurant with a view of Oslo City. However, no snow there this year!

Norge 2020

The meeting opened with a “Freibier” to ensure a safe and easy implementation of the general meeting.

Events in 2020

One of the primary goals for the Chapter Norge Alumni is to arrange two lectures a year. The next lecture is scheduled for March 5, where the head of global initiatives in Yara (one of the world's leading fertilizer producers) will talk about "Feeding 10 trillion in a world of climate emergency". A very interesting topic and all ETH Alumni currently staying in Norway are of course welcome!


Another important objective is to ensure that talented Norwegian students will consider ETH Zürich for a place to study. A group was founded to be a focal point for guiding highly talented Norwegian students and to provide a roadmap to studies at ETH in Zürich.

Enjoyable Meeting

The Chapter Norge Alumni board was unanimously reelected!
We were then served this year's traditional Chäs Fondue by the boss himself, Walter Kieliger. And guess what, Fendant and Kirsch were also part of this program!
When we went home late in the evening, we all agreed that we had had another very enjoyable annual meeting.


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