Alumni News
All stories that have been tagged with CSS Alumni
Strategic Trends 2023
CSS Alumni
On April 28, 2023, the Center for Security Studies (CSS) presented the "Strategic Trends 2023" as part of the ETH workshop on security policy on the topic "World Politics in 2023".
Russia’s War in Ukraine: Implications for NATO
CSS Alumni
How does the war in Ukraine affect NATO? What will be the future of the defense alliance? During the CSS Evening Talk on the implications of Russia's war of aggression for NATO on March 15, 2023, Sten Rynning and Henrik Larsen provided answers to these pressing questions.
China and European Security
CSS Alumni
How relevant is China when discussing European security politics? What threats does China pose to Europe? During the CSS’ Evening Talk on China and European Security on 16 January 2023, Bonnie Glaser and Brian Carlson offered answers to these pressing questions.
Launch of this year’s Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy
CSS Alumni
This year's issue of the Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy summarizes in five chapters the topics that will strongly influence the security and foreign policy discourse in Switzerland in the coming years. The publication was officially presented in Bern on 1 December.
The consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for European security
CSS Alumni
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shaken the very foundations of European security. This has consequences - also for Switzerland and the debate on the future of its security.
Conflicts between great powers and domestic security: the importance of critical supply chains
CSS Alumni
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear what it means when irregularities occur in international supply chains. Since then, considerations of strengthening supply chain security have increasingly been incorporated into foreign and security policy strategies of European countries.
Micha Germann: “I research the causes and consequences of political violence, in particular that of civil wars and terrorism, as well as democratic innovations.”
- Alumni Portraits
- CSS Alumni
ETH alumnus Micha Germann completed his PhD at the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS). The subject of his dissertation was self-determining referendums as a potential for solving conflict. He is currently an assistant professor in Bath and is researching the areas of ethno-nationalistic conflicts, digital democracy and political behaviour. He has recently won a prestigious grant for the next three years.
CSS Evening Talk: Organised crime – its developments and links to terrorism
CSS Alumni
On September 6, 2018, the second Evening Talk of the CSS Alumni took place this year at which they discussed organized crime.
Evening Talk
CSS Alumni
Am 3. Mai 2018 fand ein Evening Talk des CSS (Center for Security Studies) zum Thema ‘Schweizerische Gesundheitssicherheit im globalen Kontext‘ an der ETH Zürich mit zahlreichen Teilnehmenden statt. Zu diesem Anlass sprach Professor Marcel Tanner, ehemaliger Direktor des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health Institutes in Basel, über die Bekämpfung von Infektionen in Entwicklungsländern und Ursula Jasper, vom CSS, widmete sich der schweizerischen Gesundheitsaussenpolitik.
Discussion panel on strategic trends 2018
CSS Alumni
Based on the publication of the annual analysis of major developments in world affairs, the yearly event by the ETH’s Center for Security Studies took place at ETH Zürich.
Trumps Aussenpolitik: Rhetorik vs. Realität
CSS Alumni
Am 14. November 2017 fand ein Evening Talk der CSS Alumni zum Thema „Trumps Aussenpolitik: Rhetorik vs. Realität“ statt. Dabei wurden vor allem die Perspektiven der transatlantischen Beziehungen behandelt.
Neues Weiterbildungsangebot: MAS ETH Mediation in Peace Processes
- Alumni Portraits
- CSS Alumni
Das Center for Security Studies (CSS) bietet neu den MAS ETH Mediation in Peace Processes an. Das Programm richtet sind an Personen mit Berufserfahrung in Friedensprozessen und fragilen Kontexten aus der Schweiz und aus dem Ausland. Studienleiter und ETH Alumnus Prof. Andreas Wenger, Ordentlicher Professor am Departement Geistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften und Leiter des Center for Security Studies spricht über das neue Weiterbildungsangebot.