Chapter Baden Alumni

Enlarged view: Baden
Board members of Chapter Baden Alumni


Chapter Baden Alumni

The ETH Chapter Baden Alumni is the oldest chapter within the ETH Alumni. It was founded in 1916 at the general assembly of the GEP (Gesellschaft der ehemaligen Polytechniker - Association of former polytechnics) in Baden as GEP Chapter Baden.

Based in the canton of Aargau, we are an active network for ETH alumni of all disciplines.

We organise attractive events to allow our members to network, establish and maintain dialogue and assist one another in both their professional and personal lives.

Every year, we organise four or five events centred around technical, scientific, cultural and social issues. Members attending our presentations and joining us on excursions have the opportunity to discover something new, meet new people and make or maintain contacts.

Every quarter, we also hold our regular Badener Stamm meeting where members can get together on an informal basis

ETH Alumni are people who have completed an education at ETH Zürich or who have spent at least four semesters at ETH working as members of the academic faculty or as post-​​​docs. Click here for more information on the "Alumni" status.

ETH alumni are entitled to a membership with the ETH Alumni Association. Members enjoy various benefits that are not available to non-​​​members.

The membership fee is CHF 70/year. Upon registration, memberships in up to five affiliate organisations can be added free of charge. However, certain affiliate organisations charge additional fees to fund their annual programme. Alumni who do not wish to join a member organisation are automatically registered as direct members.

After graduating from ETH Zurich, graduates are automatically registered as members. However, a membership is free of charge until the age of 28 (year of birth). Thereafter, a membership fee is automatically charged, regardless of the graduate's age at graduation.


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