Regular events
Every last Thursday in odd-numbered months, CSE Alumni meet and have a drink at the Stammtisch. There is no need to register or commit long term; it’s a spontaneous gathering held at various locations. Stop by some time! An invitation, including all relevant information, is e-mailed to all members in advance.
Currently, there is no event planned. Overview all events |
News from past events
CSE Alumni back at the regulars’ table
CSE Alumni

On 26 August 2021, our CSE regulars' table took place for the first time in a long while. It was a great pleasure to meet and exchange again!
CSE Alumni Exkursion ans CERN
CSE Alumni

Am Wochenende des 4. und 5. August 2018, bei brütender Hochsommer-Hitze, versammelten sich ETH Alumni der Fachgruppe CSE (Computational Science and Engineering), sowie einige weitere Interessierte zur zweiten grossen Exkursion, die von der CSE-Gruppe organisiert wurde. Diesmal war das CERN bei Genf an der Reihe. Knapp 20 Teilnehmer von Frischabsolventen bis Pensionäre durften sich auf eine geführte Besichtigungstour durch die internationale Forschungs-Grossanlage an der Grenze zu Frankreich freuen.
Guided tour through the Paul Scherrer Institut
CSE Alumni

When a group of ETH Alumni returns to Zurich from Villigen with smiles on their faces despite bad fall weather, then it may have been because of the fascinating tour through the large-scale plant of the Paul Scherrer Institut, or because the radiation exposure might have been higher than the geiger counter actually indicated.