Julia Fähnrich

- Will graduate in 2023 with a Master's in Biology (specialising in System Biology)
- I like to organise events in my freetime
- Zurich native
Carina Fluri
Vice President
- 1.5 years VeBis President
- Biology BSc 2022
- Now: MSc student in Molecular & Structural Biology
- I like to organise & structure things: for example, I would like to clean up the archive and take care of the digitisation
Jöel Zöllig
- Bursar VeBis HS19-FS20
- Graduated with a BSc Biology from ETH in 2021
- Currently enrolled in MSc Biology ETH Biochemistry
- Background as Sales EFZ
Jannes Brender
Board member
- Worked in VeBiS as cultural director, currently in FliK as bar manager
- 9th semester at ETH Master in Cell Biology
- What I want to achieve: to establish a company fair/networking event à la Chemtogether for the biologists and to further support the VeBiS board and the biology students
Melina Eisenring
Board member
- Master Evolution & Ecology
- Currenty obtaining a teaching degree
- 3 years VeBiS IT, 2 years VeBis Vice President
- I would like to see a closer collaboration with the VeBiS and a stronger presence of the Bio Alumni among students