Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Alumni

About us

STP Alumni provides former students of the Institute for Science, Technology and Policy with a platform for remaining in contact with one another. The organisation welcomes STP MSc and Technology and Public Policy (CAS/MAS) alumni as well as former doctoral candidates, postdocs and lecturers at ISTP.

Since the organisation has only existed since 2019, we are encouraging alumni from previous years to register with our organisation via MyAlumni.

We would also welcome help in establishing our group as a vibrant hub for former ISTP students and doctoral candidates. If you would like to help, please drop us an

No matter whether you choose to be an active or passive member – we hope to see you soon at one of our events!

Membership of ETH Alumni

Members of the STP Alumni are automatically members of ETH Alumni. You can register for membership here.


STP Alumni

ETH Alumni Vereinigung
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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