
Anja Ulrich


 Ich gehöre zur ersten Generation von Quanten Ingenieuren, und mein Abschlussjahr ist 2022. Zurzeit orientiere ich mich beruflich in Richtung von Elektro-Optischen hybriden Quantensystemen.  Ich bin bin eine Alumna des Karriereförderungsprogramms für Frauen im Ingenieursberuf, FEMTEC.  In meiner Freizeit spiele ich Rugby, gehe wandern und fahre Ski und lese gerne über alternative Gesellschaftsmodelle.

My graduation year is 2022 and I belong to the first batch of quantum engineers. Currently I am doing a PhD in imec in Belgium in teh field of electro-optic quantum transducers. 
I am an alumna of the careerbuilding programm for women in engineering called femtec.
In my free time I play rugby in a team, like to hike and ski and enjoy reading about alternative society models.

Liberto Beltran


I started my studies in Quantum Engineering in 2019 and my graduation year is 2022. During my studies I oriented towards pulse-level control of superconducting circuits and ion-traps.
In my free time I like like playing floorball, running and cycling.  

Moritz Fontboté Schmidt


I was part of the team that created the QEC (the QE’s student association). Within the QEC I was in particular active as President and in the Quantum Paper Club.

Runze Zhang


I came to ETH Quantum Engineering at 2019 and graduated in 2021. During my stay, I have done Quantechworkshop at Spin Physics Group and thesis at Nano TCAD group. I also did an internship at Baidu Quantum Institute.

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