AMIV Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Information Technology Alumni

The AMIV Faculty Alumni Group brings graduates from the faculties of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology under one roof.
The graduates of D-MAVT and D-ITET have had their own faculty group within ETH Alumni since 2006. As students of the two AMIV Departments have a platform to exchange and take part in joint activities, so too does the alumni of this department have a central point of contact through the ETH AMIV Faculty Alumni Group.
AMIV also welcomes dedicated and interested professionals with equivalent track records to join.
Our goal is to promote personal and professional contact among members and with the departments. Through regular events, our members have many opportunities to strengthen the relationships they began during their studies and to build new ones with other engineers. All of our events relate to the broad field of engineering.
The Board of AMIV Alumni consists of a small core team, which is supported by event organisers. Strong ties to the student body have been established, due to the fact that AMIV holds a permanent seat on the extended Board.
We have a closed group called external page "AMIV an der ETH - Alumni” on LinkedIn. We look forward to hearing from you!
Membership with ETH Alumni
Graduates (BSc, MSc), matriculated students starting at the Bachelor level, PhD students, postdocs and lecturers of the Department Physics (D-Phys) and Department Mathematics (D-Math) at ETH Zurich can join (general membership requirement at ETH Alumni). For members, there are several benefits.
After completion from ETH Zurich, graduates are automatically included as alumni. The membership is free of charge until the age of 27, as of the year of the 28th birthday, a membership fee is automatically due, independent of how old the graduate was at completion of the studies.
Become a member now!