Challenge Alumni
The Club Challenge Alumni is responsible to maintain the network of former participants, staff and organizers of Challenge EPFL-ETHZ . We are a member organization of the ETH Zurich Alumni Association.
The Challenge EPFL-ETHZ is an annual, now legendary, contest between the two renowned Swiss universities, ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne. For four days, participants compete against one another in various competitions on and off the ski slopes.
The focus of all races is teamwork, creativity, and the ability to improvise, as well as the readiness for all teams to exceed their limits. The extraordinary evening events are held in an unforgettable atmosphere and serve to maintain and build friendships, create contacts, and network with the members of the other university on the other side of the “Röstigraben".
Therefore Alumni from both schools are connected by the deeply rooted Challenge Spirit:
"Challenge, Drive and Encounter"
While our professional and personal lifes keep providing enough challenges themselves the Challenge Alumni Club makes sure we continue to encounter the new and unknown with decent drive. The annual events help us to keep track of our former fellow students and friends, meet today's students with the unique spirit of a challenger and strengthen our exceptional bonds to our universities.
If you already did take part in Challenge yourself become a member of our closed external page Facebook-Group and learn more about what moves us.

Challenge 19 Gala Photo-Shoot by Challenge Alumni
Never before have so many alumni participated at the event to cheer the 100 motivated students in a friendly competition between EPFL and ETH.
You can find all pictures from the Gala Photo-Shoot in the external page Photo Archive.
(The Pictures from 2018 are online as well)
Probably everyone will agree that life as a student was a great experience in itself. And every now and then, the thought of knowing how things are going at the notorious student parties today is tempting. But then you are starting to remember the sticky floor again and trying to calculate which class has its first semester.
The challengeX Club enables its members to take a look back at the good old days.
- Alumni participation in the Challenge EPFL-ETHZ: Why not be part of the Challenge again? Spend a weekend in the snow together with the Challenge Alumni. Challenge Alumni will take care of your participation and create an additional supporting program for former Challenge participants.
- Comité Fondue: Every year, a new OC is given the task of organising the Challenge from scratch. Former OC members take part in the Comité Fondue and are available for one evening to answer all questions of the current young organisers.
After each Challenge, the 50 Zurich participants as well as the ex-committee and its helpers are offered a free Junior Membership in the Challenge Alumni for the duration of their studies. This means that they are already part of the network before they leave and perhaps also curious about what they can expect after their studies. The alumni thus have the opportunity to meet dynamic students and active organisational talents at the various events and possibly make a contribution to their career planning.
The Challenge itself is half financed by sponsor contributions. Those who have taken part themselves can best judge whether their own company could benefit from their commitment as a sponsor. Anyone who has taken part knows how important the Challenge is at both universities and what commitment is behind it.
- Sponsoring contacts: Anyone who expresses an interest in playing the role of a mediator between their employer and the Challenge will be forwarded to the new committee, which can then contact them.
- Newsletter: Where will the Challenge take place this year? Who is in the OC? Who has won? For die-hard veteran challengeers, this will remain an issue long after they have finished. The Challenge Alumni keep the umbilical cord to ETH.
And almost most importantly, the Challenge Alumni is the link between former participants and that Alumni come together again regularly.
ETH Alumni are people who have completed an education at ETH Zürich or who have spent at least four semesters at ETH working as members of the academic faculty or as post-docs. Click here for more information on the "Alumni" status.
ETH alumni are entitled to a membership with the ETH Alumni Association. Members enjoy various benefits that are not available to non-members.
The membership fee is CHF 70/year. Upon registration, memberships in up to five affiliate organisations can be added free of charge. However, certain affiliate organisations charge additional fees to fund their annual programme. Alumni who do not wish to join a member organisation are automatically registered as direct members.
After graduating from ETH Zurich, graduates are automatically registered as members. However, a membership is free of charge until the age of 28 (year of birth). Thereafter, a membership fee is automatically charged, regardless of the graduate's age at graduation.
Challenge Alumni
Do you have any questions? Send us an
And if you have already taken part in a challenge, send us a request on external page Facebook.