Chapter Hong Kong and Macau Alumni

The Hong Kong and Macau Chapter is a subgroup of the ETH Alumni association started on December 2023. It connects ETH alumni in the Hong Kong and Macau to their peers and to other regional alumni associations. ETH alumni are those who have either studied or worked at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) for at least two semesters (one academic year).
You’ll be connected through activities that promote sharing our common passion for science, technology and architecture. As a knowledge bridge between the China and ETH Zurich, our website will serve double-duty, keeping you informed of the latest breakthroughs of the Institute and helping you to create friendships and vital business contacts with other alumni. Our future is your future.
By registering, you can choose the activities of interest and benefit to you.
More information can be found on our Website.
Membership of ETH Alumni
Members of the Hong Kong and Macau Alumni Chapter are automatically members of ETH Alumni. You can register for membership here.