John Mark in Czechia

We’re featuring alumni around the world from A-Z and, for our third stop we're in Czechia with John Mark, a doctoral student in the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology.

John Mark

What country are you currently living in, and what motivated your decision to move there?

I currently live in Prague, Czechia, a city renowned for its stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant cultural scene. My decision to move here was motivated by an exciting opportunity to pursue a doctoral position on a research project that deeply aligns with my academic and professional interests. It’s been an incredible experience so far, both professionally and personally!

What is your current job, and what does your typical workday look like?

I am currently a doctoral student in the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology at Charles University, focusing on the distribution of snowmelt water in the critical zone using a combination of modelling and field approaches. This research is part of the collaborative MountSnow project with the University of Zurich.

A typical workday involves a blend of activities: I spend a significant amount of time coding and analysing data, reading scientific papers, and occasionally participating in field measurements. It's a dynamic academic routine that balances desk work with outdoor research. I work five days a week in my office, fully immersed in this exciting project.

Were there specific courses or activities during your time at ETH that have proven to be particularly valuable for you?

Nearly all the courses and activities I engaged in during my time at ETH Zurich have been incredibly valuable and impactful. To highlight a few, the Watershed Modelling course with Prof. Peter Molnar from D-BAUG was exceptional—it provided a strong foundation for my journey in hydrology and continues to serve as a "blueprint" for my work. Courses like River Morphodynamic Modelling, Water Resources Management, and seminars on Water Law were equally remarkable, offering comprehensive insights into key areas of water science.

The quality of education at ETH is truly world-class. As a graduate, I felt enriched and well-equipped for my career. The knowledge and experiences I gained there have been instrumental in my current research. Coming from Ghana, West Africa, and now working on snow hydrology, I think my story speaks volumes about the transformative impact of ETH's education. It was an unforgettable and empowering experience!

How do you stay connected with ETH and your university friends?

I stay connected with ETH and my university friends primarily through social media, especially LinkedIn. It’s an excellent platform for staying updated about the university and keeping in touch with friends and colleagues in a professional and engaging way. Additionally, I’ve joined the ETH Alumni platform, which is another fantastic resource for maintaining connections, accessing updates, and expanding my network within the ETH community.

Has networking with fellow alumni played a role in your life in Czechia?

Absolutely! Networking with fellow alumni has played a significant role in easing my transition to life in Czechia. Before moving to Prague, I reached out to a fellow ETH alumnus for insights about the city, the culture, and the people. He went a step further by connecting me with the Ghanaian community in Prague, which was invaluable. This support network made settling in much smoother and helped me quickly adjust to life here. It’s amazing how alumni connections can create a sense of belonging, even in a new country, and I’m truly grateful for that.

What is a "typical" word of the country?

Hahaha this is definitely "Dobrý den"

What’s your favourite traditional dish?

Svíčková na smetaně. It’s a classic dish featuring marinated beef sirloin in a creamy vegetable sauce made from carrots, celery, and parsley, all flavoured with a mix of spices. It’s traditionally served with bread dumplings (knedlíky), cranberry sauce, and a dollop of whipped cream. I love it!

Do you want to share your life abroad with fellow ETH Alumni? Get in touch for more information on how to get involved!

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