March regulars' table 2025

On March 6, 2025, the Luxembourg Alumni Chapter hosted the Stamm at the Brasserie du Kirchberg in Luxembourg. 14 alumni accepted the invitation.


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Streetcar line to the airport

Since March 2, 2025, the streetcar also reaches the airport. The route from the airport to the Stade de Luxembourg is 16 kilometers.

Trade in goods (2022) with foreign countries
Imports from abroad: € 25.2 billion
Exports abroad: € 16.3 billion

of which
Imports from the USA: € 620 million
Exports to the USA: € 520 million

Trade (2022) in services
Sales: € 128 billion
Imports: € 105 billion

Deficit in the services sector with the USA: € 11.8 billion

Business with services has increased more than sixfold in the last 20 years

Hiper aluminum (HiperAl)

HiperAl, a product of the company "Advanced materials for additive manufacturing (AM4AM)" based in Foetz, is a zirconium derivative of an aluminum powder produced by cold plasma treatment. Advantages: Avoidance of crack and porosity formation, improved yield strength of 525 MPa a highest tensile strength of 550 MPa.

Areas of application: Metal powder in 3D printing, aviation, aerospace, automotive.

Aire de Berchem: Europe's largest filling station

The Aire de Berchem, south of Luxembourg City, is 125,000 square meters in size.

Planned: Transformation into a multi-energy hub. Expansion of the fast-charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and hydrogen filling stations, use of renewable energies, installation of solar panels, waste reduction and recycling measures.

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