Ryder Cup Team ETH Alumni Golf on a par with HSG Alumni

The ETH Alumni team successfully held its own against the HSG Alumni at the 10th anniversary edition of the Ryder Cup. The trophy thus went to both alumni organizations in 2024.


The 10th Ryder Cup Golf between the two elite universities ETH and HSG was a very close affair. After four defeats in recent years, the ETH alumni managed to challenge the HSG on equal terms. After very close scores in the match play, the final score was 21.5 to 21.5. A success for the 44 ETH alumni golfers who took part.

The weather, the course conditions, the organization and the positive atmosphere were once again excellent. After three years at the Dietschiberg Golf Club in Lucerne, the anniversary edition took place at the Golf Club Zürichsee (Nuolen) with a new OC. It was hot, but the course was in excellent condition with a wonderful view over part of Lake Zurich on holes 10 to 13. In addition, the "Patrouille Suisse" flying squadron made an appearance right next to the golf course, distracting some of the golfers both positively and negatively.

After the tournament, as usual, the individual games had to be analyzed and during the aperitif and the subsequent dinner, the atmosphere among all was excellent. The conviviality among all ETH and HSG students continued long into the night on a wonderful evening.

The two organizers, Victor Meyer from the HSG and Andrea Kuhn from the ETH, were pleased with the organization, the weather and the numerous sponsors for the prizes in various categories. Many thanks to both of them, it was great fun!

We are looking forward to the next event in 2025 at the Breitenloo Golf Club. Will the ETH alumni manage another "real" victory then?

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