Regular's table August 2024

Thirteen alumni came to the meeting on August 1, 2024 at 18:30, which took place at the Brasserie du Kirchberg, 193, rue de Kirchberg, 1858 Luxembourg.


With pleasant temperatures of 20 to 24 degrees, this trunk could be held on the terrace of the Brasserie.

Round slide rule

As announced in the last report, we present the round slide rule here. This slide rule is the result of a witty idea for the General Assembly of the GEP on September 10, 1950. The slide rule is the size of a beer mat (smaller disc) and can be rotated over a larger disc by means of an eyelet.

By turning the arrow on the disk, all the answers that the guest can ask at such an event appear in a window on the smaller disk.

When? Answer in the window: September 10, 1950.
Where? Casino of the City of Luxembourg.

The menu and drinks list are also available.

Appetizer: Trout jelly with La Varenne sauce

Sauce: Combination of a cooled duxelles (squeezed juice from pureed mushrooms) with mayonnaise and fresh herbs

Main course: Half a roasted chicken, potatoes, seasonal salad

Dessert: Fine hazelnut cream slices

White wines: Wormeldinger Pietert 1949, Wormeldinger Riesling 1948 Scholtesberg, Traminer 1947 AHNER Palmberg

Red wines: St Emilion Château Montbousquet 1947, Beaujolais Jullie 1948

Vianden Castle was depicted on the back
Design: GEP

Realization: Imprimerie Nicolay Luxembourg.

Next regular's table: September 5, 2024 at the Schobermesse!

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