Science, Technology and Policy Alumni Kick-off

STP Alumni

After its creation this summer, the Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Alumni Faculty Group officially kicked off with a welcome Apéro on the 13th of September 2019. Students from each cohort since the creation of the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy of ETH Zürich gathered and welcomed the institute's new students to their exciting journey ahead.

STP Kickoff

A new Faculty Group

The Science, Technology and Policy Alumni association (STP) was founded this Summer as a faculty group under the ETH Alumni Association. Our purpose is to promote social as well as professional relationships between former students of the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) of ETH Zürich. Through the organization of networking events, presentations, keynotes and field trips in close collaboration with the ISTP, we will foster knowledge transfer between industry and academia.

Pursuing careers in the private, public or academic sector, and operating at the interface of technology and policy, we are convinced that our alumni will significantly benefit from regular and stimulating exchanges with their peers and will work towards making this faculty group a platform for such exchanges.


On the 13th of September 2019, we officially kicked off with our first event; we organized an Apéro at the ISTP Lounge of ETH Zürich, where we got the chance to welcome the 2019 Student cohort. Furthermore, we had a fruitful exchange among alumni and professors. After short speeches from the ISTP's director Prof Bernauer and the STP Alumni president Scott Reiser, the ISTP Lounge got filled with interesting discussions around the brand new curriculum and the exciting further development of the ISTP as well as the professional experiences from our alumni.

This first event was a great success: We were happy to welcome former students from all cohorts since the creation of the ISTP, as well as Prof. Bernauer, Prof. Schmidt and the administrative staff of the ISTP. We would like to thank the ISTP again for its generous contribution to this event.

Going forward

Having gathered numerous positive feedback during this event, we are more optimistic than ever for the future of the organization. We will hold our next event within November, where, among other things, we will advertise board positions to interested alumni. More details to come soon.

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