HST X-Change – Successful first three events
HST Alumni

To celebrate this year's 150th anniversary of the ETH Alumni Association, the faculty group HST created a new format - HST X-Change. This "regulars’ table" already took place successfully three times and enjoys a growing popularity amongst the HST Alumni members.
Remembering Ferdinand K. Piëch

With great sadness, we learned that ETH Alumnus Ferdinand K. Piëch passed away. As a graduate from the Mechanical Engineering department, he kept supporting his alma mater generously. He was an honorary member of the ETH Alumni from 1999. The ETH Alumni Association is thankful to Dr. Piëch for his tireless support and wishes the family all the best for the future.
Ryder Cup: ETH Alumni loses against the HSG Alumni in golf
Golf Group Alumni

The team of the ETH Alumni unfortunately had to accept defeat at the sixth holding of the Ryder Cup in Niederbüren once again. They lost 17 – 22 against the HSG Alumni in match play. Consequently, HSG Alumni is in the lead with 4 – 2 victories.
Annual Raclette Dinner at Swiss Club 2019
Chapter Singapore Alumni

As every year, the ETH Alumni Chapter Singapore gathered on July 3th, 2019, to enjoy Raclette cheese in tropical climate. 24 Alumni and friends found their way to the Swiss Club that day.
New employee at ETH Alumni Association

Annette Unger started her position mid-August 2019. As the deputy of the executive manager, she is mainly responsible for the database MyAlumni as well as the international chapters.
Summer Event 2019 ETH OG Basel Alumni
Chapter Basel Alumni

The traditional summer event took place on the 14th of August 2019, at the restaurant Bad Bubendorf in the most beautiful weather.