Swiss innovation week and the inauguration ceremony of ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing

Chapter Beijing Alumni

During the Swiss innovation week from 2  - 7 July 2018, the board members of ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing had the opportunity to hold an official inauguration ceremony and invited their members to take part in diverse events organised by the embassy of Switzerland in China. Ms. Mulan Sun, the president of the ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing, presided the inauguration ceremony on behalf of the ETH Alumni Association.


After the welcome speech by H.E. Jean-Jaques de Dardel, der Schweizer Botschafter in China, Mulan Sun presented the ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing, its reviews and previews of activities. The ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing was reactivated last year and has the aim to increase social interaction and networking among ETH alumni living in Beijing and its region. Mulan Sun expressed her gratitude to the board members, Chai Qian, Stefan Schuppisser and Huang Shuo for all their great contributions along the way and together with H.E. Jean-Jaques de Dardel, awarded them with a certificate of appreciation. .

Besides the inauguration ceremony, the members of ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing took part in a variety of wonderful events during the Swiss innovation week. e.g. all Swiss universities alumni gathering, Sino-Swiss Architectural Cultural Salon of Young Architects & The Publication Ceremony of “Special Issue: Contemporary Architecture in Switzerland” of The Architect Magazine. The highlights were Birdly® and swissnex dome. The Birdly virtual reality simulator is a center piece throughout the Swiss Innovation Week. Described as one of the best VR experience in the world, Birdly generates a lively full-body experience in which mechanics and computer codes hidden behind this spectacular apparatus quickly disappear. The swissnex Dome was a full-dome structure that allows a 360° spatialization of images and sounds, taking the audience on a fully immersive and unique experience. It was a spectacular centerpiece of Swiss Innovation Week 2018, where two selected films from Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF), four works of students from College of Art and Media, Tongji University, and the latest masterpiece of renowned Swiss film director Prof. Juerg Neuenschwander, were presented, fully taking advantage of the structure’s unique spatial dimension.

The Future of Money Series: Blockchain in FinTech was the last event and followed by the grande reception of the Swiss Innovation Week (speeches by Ambassador de Dardel and State Secretary of Education, Research and Innovation, Mr. Mauro Dell’Ambrogio – swissnex Dome and Birdly® attractions – Speed and Splash painting show by Swiss artist Corinne Sutter – Sound and light show by Swiss artist Pascal Yerly).

Beijing Swiss Innovation Week

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