Alumni Chapter Beijing’s first gathering event
Chapter Beijing Alumni
The Alumni Chapter Beijing had its first gathering activity after the re-activation of the chapter at the first week of October. Some of the alumni in Beijing met at the Qian Men Region and took a visit at the Beijing International Design Week Dashilar Design Community in October 5th to get innovative ideas from different designs and to be familiar with each other.

The ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing was re-activated at the end of September and the Chapter decided to have an initial small gathering day to visit Dashilar Design Community during the week of Beijing International Design Week.
The Dashilar Project
Dashilar Project in Beijing International Design Week is located at Dashilar Hutong in Qian Men region. It has been established for six years, with a unique urban scheming platform and mainly focusing on organic renewal for historical cultural neighborhood. Lots of exhibitions and workshops were displayed in the Dashilar Design Community during the week with innovative model set and urban renewal methods.
Guided tour followed by dinner
The members of the Alumni Chapter Beijing, who participated the event, were from different fields, architectural design, computer science, immunology, and actuarial science, etc. After a short introduction of each other, the event started with a tour to some exhibitions guided by Hangxin Lu, a doctor student of the FCL (future city laboratory) ETH-Singapore. The alumni had a walk through the platforms in the community together, visiting different design projects and exchanging ideas behind the designs along the Hutong region. After the visit, they had a small Apéro in front of the platform of TalkingData and then the alumni had a dinner together at a veggie restaurant with very special but healthy veggie dishes in China. During the talk and activity, all alumni want the Chapter Beijing to get started and thrive. Some suggestions have been put forward for a better future as well.