Alumni News
All stories that have been tagged with REIS Alumni
The many cavities under Zurich's main station
REIS Alumni
Zurich's Main Station is Switzerland's transport hub. For quite some time, a railway tunnel has been built underneath it, which was never to be used. The Reis Alumni visited this part of the motorway and other cavities under the HB on 21 April.
Thomas Hug: "To me, curiosity, not being scared of new things and perseverance are important in life."
- Alumni Portraits
- REIS Alumni
ETH alumnus, Thomas Hug, obtained his Bachelor's and Master’s at what is now the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development at ETH. To avoid having to decide between transport and spatial planning, in 2020 he co-founded an integrated planning office. Openness and creativity are important to him because he also has a distinct artistic streak. In this interview, the President of the ETH REIS Alumni talks to us about his career to date and the importance of networks and curiosity.
Autumn trip to the Val de Travers
- REIS Alumni
- 150 Years
The autumn trip of the REIS-Alumni to the Val de Travers was a total success despite the humid-cool conditions. In Môtiers, we traced the legendary myth of absinth distillation. In the afternoon, we explored the tortuous caves’ system of the formerly biggest asphalt mine of Switzerland under expert guidance. Appropriately, we were served a luscious cut of asphalt ham for dinner. It was particularly pleasing as for the first time an alumna of the MAS Spatial Planning participated in our crowd.
REIS Alumni
The weather is slowly getting cooler and Winter is coming. But before everyone is delighted by mulled wine and hot tea the REIS Alumni wanted to ring out Summer with a copious Beer-Tasting with an additional guided brewery tour. 14 members took part in this summerly tour on October 6, 2018.
Snow day at Hoch-Ybrig
REIS Alumni
On 24 February 2018, a number of REIS alumni made their way up to higher elevations. What first looked like a day of gray in gray, turned into a beautiful snow day with clear blue skies. Not only the weather guaranteed for a bunch of happy alumni.
Kennenlernapéro als erster offizieller Event der REIS Alumni
REIS Alumni
Nachdem Anfang März die REIS Alumni offiziell gegründet wurden, war es nun am 4. Oktober 2017 endlich soweit: Die REIS Alumni trafen sich ein erstes Mal zu einem gemeinsamen Apéro. Trotz der eher jungen Studienrichtung fanden sich über dreissig REISler vom Jahrgang 2011 bis 2017 ein.
ETH Alumni Vereinigung heisst die REIS Alumni willkommen!
REIS Alumni
Die ETH Alumni Vereinigung hat eine neue Mitgliederorganisation erhalten. Zusammen mit drei Mitstudenten hat ETH Alumnus und REIS-Masterstudent Thomas Hug Anfang März die Fachgruppe Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme Alumni, kurz REIS Alumni, gegründet. Wir sprachen mit Thomas über seine Motivation für die Gründung und die geplanten Aktivitäten der REIS Alumni.