Assembly of Delegates
The Assembly of Delegates is the uppermost organ of the ETH Alumni Association. It meets twice a year and is convened by the board.

The Assembly of Delegates comprises board members, selected delegates of the affiliate organisations and direct members according to their respective number of individual members.
It decides on the strategic goals of the association. It is also responsible for electing the President and Board and decides on a number of other business matters. Once a year, the Assembly of Delegates also defines the member subscription rate for the coming year.
More information about the functions of the Assembly of Delegates can be found in our Download By-laws (PDF, 187 KB).
You can register for the Assembly of Delegates in the MyAlumni portal. The assembly on November 15, 2024 is cancelled. All members are very welcome to attend the delegates' meeting and can register for it - however, only delegates are entitled to vote.
The minutes and presentations from previous Assemblies of Delegates can be found in the MyAlumni portal.