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Swiss innovation week and the inauguration ceremony of ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing

During the Swiss innovation week from 2 - 7 July 2018, the board members of ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing had the opportunity to hold an official inauguration ceremony and invited their members to take part in diverse events organised by the embassy of Switzerland in China. Ms. Mulan Sun, the president of the ETH Alumni Chapter Beijing, presided the inauguration ceremony on behalf of the ETH Alumni Association.
Alumni Chapter Beijing: Beijing Chapter Salon & Tour zu neuen Energien

Anfang Juni 2018 nahmen die Chapter Beijing Alumni zusammen mit dem Switzerland Chapter and Hireding Salon of the Western Returned Scholars Association ● Overseas-educated Scholars Association (WRSA). an einem Salon & Tour zu neuen Energien teil.
Beijing Chapter Frühjahrs-Weindegustation mit verbundenen Augen

Elf ETH Alumni und Freunde des Alumni Chapter Beijing trafen sich am 20. April 2018 in Beijing für eine Weindegustation mit verbundenen Augen im Geschäft CHEERS Wines in Chaoyang Park, welches von einem Schweizer geführt wird, um mehr über Wein zu lernen und einander besser kennenzulernen.
Alumni Chapter Beijing’s first gathering event

The Alumni Chapter Beijing had its first gathering activity after the re-activation of the chapter at the first week of October. Some of the alumni in Beijing met at the Qian Men Region and took a visit at the Beijing International Design Week Dashilar Design Community in October 5th to get innovative ideas from different designs and to be familiar with each other.