MEST Sommerevent
Der erste richtige Anlass für die neue MEST Alumni Organisation vor Ort! Nach fast zwei Jahren seit unserer Gründung konnten wir unsere Mitglieder endlich zu einem gemütlichen Treffen an der ETH einladen.

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We finally made it – and celebrated our 2 year anniversary!
A global pandemic is not exactly beneficial for a new organization whose primary purpose is to connect its members and organize events. With fast-changing restrictions all over the world, we were not able to schedule a physical event since we founded the organization. But finally, on June 8th , we met with 40 alumnae, alumni and current students!
The Event
Initially, we planned to gather at Chinawiese for a summer BBQ after work. Due to a rainy forecast, we changed the location to the ETH main building. Here, we want to thank the ETH facility service for flexibility with our short-term booking. We enjoyed an exciting and enjoyable evening with a variety of snacks and drinks. To enhance the group's communication and exchange, we organized a networking game called "salt and pepper". Each member received a paper with a word attached to its back. Everyone had to answer the philosophical question: Who am I? By asking "yes or no" questions, the members had to find out what and who they were and then find their opposite in the group. From sweet&sour to AC&DC, there were twenty pairs, and finally, everyone found its second half. Since we are all competitive, there was a special incentive not to be last – the last group had to clean up the event. We spent a lovely evening at ETH until the lights went out shortly before 10 pm.
The Future
The goal of this event was to finally meet physically, connect our members and increase engagement within the organization. We from the board think that we achieved our primary goals with this event and are very happy that we finally were able to bring together our members. We are convinced that the organization will grow further and will continue to organize exciting events for our members. We used the time during lockdowns to develop different programs and formats to include our international members and will announce our plans in the future. Of course, we are always happy for the support!
Thanks to everyone who joined and helped organize this event!
Your MESTerminds