Nimm an der diesjährigen poly-E-fair teil!
Die virtuelle Karrieremesse wird am 31. März zum vierten Mal stattfinden. Auf die Teilnehmenden warten Live-Videochats, Chatrooms über Karrierefragen, Impulsreferate, Unternehmensportale und vieles mehr.

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Last year almost 2000 people and 65 companies participated in the poly-E-fair. Again this year, participants will benefit from networking opportunities resulting in internships and jobs that may launch their careers. Companies will benefit from direct access to outstanding students from ETH whose ingenuity helps boost the output of their teams. The fair is organized by Telejob of AVETH, the ETH Alumni Association and VSETH Forum&Contact.
Isabel Sauter, CEO of the ETH Alumni Association: “Poly-E-fair is an excellent platform for students, graduates and companies. For us at the ETH Alumni Association, the joint project underlines our connection with ETH, which I think is very important.”
Katie Platt, project manager of the virtual careers fair, is looking forward to March 31 to see all the hard work that the great team of volunteers has put in come to fruition. She says: “It’s been a very rewarding challenge. It’s an event that we hope brings great value to the ETH community with limited environmental impact.” Katie adds: “On a personal level I have gained key skills in team management, customer relations management and even graphics and website design. The project has given me a new sense of purpose at ETH away from my studies and research.”

More about poly-e-fair: externe Seite poly-E-fair | The virtual careers fair of ETH Zurich (
For companies: externe Seite Companies2022 | poly-E-fair (
Register here: externe Seite poly-E-fair - The Virtual Careers Fair of ETH Zurich - EXPO-IP