Connecting MEST – Mitgliederorganisation Kick-off Event

MEST Alumni

Nachdem im Juni 2020 die Mitgliederorganisation für AbsolventInnen des Masterstudiengangs Energiewissenschaften und -technologie gegründet worden war, fand der Kick-off Event am 7. Oktober 2020 statt. Die Veranstaltung wurde online abgehalten und war ein grossartiger erster Schritt, um für die Mitgliederorganisation zu werben und so Mitglieder auf der ganzen Welt zu gewinnen.

MEST Connecting

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The Participants

The diversity within the Master in Energy Science and Technology is not only technical, but also well exemplified by the multitude of backgrounds and origins of its students. To maximise the reach of the event, it was decided to organise it online. This decision was rewarded by the participation of 35 graduates from many countries. This was a first great success for the organising team, who aims at reducing the barriers to attending as much as possible in an effort to make the group’s events as inclusive as possible.

The Group

The online meet-up allowed members of the board to present themselves and the work that had been done for the creation of the group. Results of past surveys were shown and the wishes of networking together with experience and knowledge sharing opportunities were highlighted. This is how the directions to be followed by the board and the supporting members were established and the foundations of the group were laid.


What should be the main pillar of the group was honoured by a great portion of the time being dedicated to networking in pairs and in groups using breakout rooms. The mix of connecting with fellow graduates and the fun provided by the challenges proposed to the participants was well appreciated. This impression was evident from the eagerness and the very cheerful atmosphere accompanying the event.


The organising team invited the participants to have a word on the development they wish for their organisation. Feedback could be collected both interactively during the event as well as afterwards. The results were very positive, especially considering that all the participants who were not yet members pledged to join the group. What a success!

The next events will incorporate the additional wishes of the members. The sharing of expertise and challenges to technical knowledge related to the broad field of energy will be on the menu, with both the group’s committee and the members looking forward to continue building on this momentum!

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