Jährliches Herbst-Treffen
Chapter Niederlande Alumni
Das traditionelle Herbst-Treffen der niederländischen Vereinigung von ETH-Ingenieuren hat sich von einem Wander-/Abendessen-Treffen zu einer Golf-/Abendessen-Veranstaltung entwickelt. Dieser sechste Golf-Anlass fand im Amsterdam Golf Club statt, organisiert vom letztjährigen Gewinner Willem Schutter. Eine kleine Gruppe von Golf-Enthusiasten spielte eine hervorragende Runde unter tollen Bedingungen. Der Abend wurde mit einem leckeren Abendessen abgeschlossen.

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Tuesday, September 10th was a beautiful day for the annual Dutch section’s 6th golfing outing, which took place this year at the Amsterdam Golf Club. Unfortunately, the turnout was low, mainly due to health issues. Nevertheless, the participants who did turn up spent a great time with golfing and socializing.
Exciting round of golfing
The event started with a jointlunch, a small refreshment before things really got going. Thereafter, the attending six golfing enthusiasts played an exciting round of golf under great conditions. A delightful dinner and some restoring drinks completed a wonderful day at the Amsterdam Golf Club.
Next year’s game
The impeccable organization was in the hands of last year’s winner, Willem Schutter.
The honour for next year’s game goes to Bart Duyndam at the «Lage Vuursche» Golf Club, something we are all looking forward to.