St. Gallen Institut für Management in Asien (SGI) Open House für HSG und ETH Alumni
Chapter Singapur Alumni
Viele ETH und HSG Alumni nutzten am 2. April 2019 die Gelegenheit, um sich im St. Gallen Institut für Management in Asien (SGI) für ein gemeinsames Treffen zu versammeln, um mehr über die Aktivitäten der Universität St. Gallen in Singapur zu erfahren.
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Joint ETH and HSG alumni gatherings in Singapore have become a tradition over the past years. Last summer, a joint ETH and HSG alumni group visited the Singapore-ETH Centre to find out about ETH’s activities in Singapore.
Joint gathering
Not only ETH is active in Singapore, but also the University of St Gallen. Therefore, over 60 alumni gathered at HSG’s office, a beautiful, traditional Singaporean Shophouse in the heart of Singapore’s business district on Tuesday, April 2.
Great popularity
Since there were too many participants for the rather small, but cosy rooms of the office, the participants were split in two groups to enjoy a comprehensive and informative presentation of HSG’s activities. The visit started with a presentation and discussion about HSG’s activities in Singapore by Prof. Stefan Morkoetter, Managing Director of the SGI. He exemplary managed the challenge to be present in two rooms on two different floors at the same time.
Excellent collaboration
The presentations were followed by an apéro sponsored by the SGI. The delicious Sushi buffet and wine contributed to many discussions and fostered the excellent collaboration between the HSG and ETH Alumni Chapters in Singapore. Thank you, HSG Chapter Singapore!