BSSE Ski-Wochenende
Biotech Alumni
Ein weiteres Jahr ist vergangen und vom 15. bis 17. Februar 2019 ging das BSSE-Ski-Wochenende in die dritte Runde in der wunderschönen Lenzerheide. Das Gruppenhaus Raschainas beherbergte die erwartungsvollen Skifahrer und Snowboarder für zwei Nächte und zwei Tage, die voll im Zeichen der Sonne, der Pisten-Erkundung und gemütlicher Abende standen.

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Warm welcome in Lenzerheide
Thanks to Max and Andreas, organization was perfect again and all participants got equipped with skiing gear and a bed to sleep upon arrival on Friday. Current students and alumni of Biosystems Science and Engineering (BSSE) shared their first beers together to celebrate the end of the exam session and the start of the weekend but searched for the warmth of their beds rather early to be fit the next morning.
BSSE Slalom race, a full success
The house did not only have the most amazing view but also a direct connection to the slopes, so people could directly hop on their skis after a short breakfast on Saturday. The beginners got their first skiing lessons and the more experienced participated in the first BSSE slalom race, which was a full success! At the ceremony in the evening the winners received their medals and the cheers from the crowd filled the air. In a relaxed atmosphere, people enjoyed their evening playing ping pong, singing to 90ties songs or playing games.
After cleaning the house the next morning, everyone hopped on their skis and boards again and enjoyed another day of great weather on the slopes before having to board the bus back home again.
Thanks to everyone
The 2019 ski weekend was again a great success and shall hopefully be continued for many more years. Thanks also to everyone who helped: it would not have been possible without the great work of the organizing team and the steady help of the participants during the event.