ETH Global Empfang mit Prof. Sarah Springman, Rektorin der ETH Zürich, und dem Schweizer Botschafter Fabrice Filliez in Singapur

Chapter Singapur Alumni

Die Ankündigung der Times Higher Education (THE) Rangordnung am 27. September 2018 brachte nicht nur Vorsitzende von Universitäten nach Singapur, sondern es rief auch die ETH Gemeinschaft für ein Treffen zusammen, um die ETH Rektorin Sarah Springman in Singapur willkommen zu heissen.

von Peter Lustenberger, Geraldine Ee

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Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre, Professor Gerhard Schmitt, recounted the founding of the centre and celebrated the developments of the ETH hub in Asia over the past eight years. Professor Sarah Springman reinforced the importance of the international presence of ETH Zurich, in particular in Singapore, and shared the fact that she was extraordinarily proud of the achievements of the centre. Professor Sarah Springman and Associate Vice President for ETH Global, Professor Gisbert Schneider were happy to be in the company of the ETH alumni in Singapore and were heartened by the active and engaged ETH alumni community.

A tasty contribution

The new Swiss Ambassador to Singapore, Ambassador Fabrice Filliez, graced the occasion and was pleased to engage in lively exchange with over 65 ETH alumni and staff of the Singapore-ETH Centre. The Ambassador and his staff, as friends and partners of the Singapore-ETH Centre, generously contributed to the event not only with their presence, but also with excellent Swiss wine from Valais.

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